ARIA Listboxes

Expected behaviors

ARIA Listboxes should only receive one tab stop, the Up/Down/Home/End keys should move focus appropriately, typing letters or numbers should jump ahead to the next matching option, and every listbox and option element should be explicitly labeled.

The 4X ARIA Listbox module automatically configures all required ARIA attributes and focus handling, in strict accordance with the ARIA specification.

The following attributes are handled automatically by the Listbox module:

  • role=listbox
  • role=option
  • aria-checked
  • aria-multiselectable
  • aria-selected
  • tabindex

Available attributes for listbox option elements:

  • data-check : May be set to "false", "true", or "mixed" to set the current state of a checkable option when rendered.

HTML syntax


<ul id="listboxId">
      Accessible name and markup.


<ul id="listboxId">
    <button data-check="false" >
      Accessible name and markup.

IMPORTANT: The focusable active element must not include any other active elements, otherwise these will not be accessible to non-sighted screen reader users.

Whenever a hidden checkbox is embedded within a checkable option control or referenced using the data-controls attribute, it will automatically reflect the toggled state of the parent element. This makes it possible to implement custom toggle controls that can be submitted in the same manner as native form controls. This, however, is optional, and may be removed without having any negative impact on the functionality of the simulated toggle control.

JavaScript syntax

var myListboxDC = $A.setListbox({
// Configuration key / value mappings
  • Module file: Listbox.js
  • Requires: AccName.js, RovingTabIndex.js.


  1. A configuration map to customize behaviors and options



// Set an explicit name for the listbox.
// Otherwise, if a select element is specified, the accessible name of the select element will be set as the listbox name instead.
label: "My informative listbox label",

// Optionally set a reference to a list element that already exists within the DOM.
// If present, the markup must conform with the syntax specified in the tag.parent property.
// Otherwise, if omitted, a listbox will automatically be generated and inserted at the position of the select element if present, or inserted within the node specified by the root property.
listbox: "#listboxId",

// Optionally set a reference to a native select element that already exists within the DOM.
// When set, the listbox will automatically be generated to match all options within the select, including all natively supported attributes such as "multiple", "required", and "disabled".
// Preselected options will also be reflected in the listbox, and both controls will be bound using two-way binding, so that when one changes it will automatically be reflected in the other.
// The native select element may be hidden or visible as desired.
// If there is no listbox already referenceable within the DOM, a new one will be generated and inserted at the same location as the select element.
select: "#standardSelectId",

// Optionally specify a DOM node where the listbox will be inserted within.
// If undefined, the listbox will be inserted at the same location as the native select element.
root: undefined,

tag: {

// CSS selector for the top level listbox container.
parent: "ul",

// The CSS selector that identifies the focusable active element within each tag markup.
// Only one focusable element is allowed within each child tag.
// If the child tag markup is changed, this selector must also be changed to point to the focusable active element within that markup.
child: "button",

// Return an array of all focusable child elements within the listbox container element.
// This must match the CSS selector chosen above.
parse: function(listboxNode) {
  return listboxNode.querySelectorAll("button");

// Specify the build markup structure for generating new listboxes.
build: {
  parent: '
    ', child: '
  • <button class="option"><span class="lbl">{OPTION-TEXT}</span></button>
  • ' } }, // Specify if the listbox is multiselect or single-select. // If a native select element is specified, this property will automatically be set to match the select element's 'multiple' property. // The selected state will automatically be toggleable by pressing the Spacebar when applicable. multiselect: false, // Specify if the listbox is required. // If a native select element is specified, this property will automatically be set to match the select element's 'required' property. required: false, // Specify if the listbox is disabled. // If a native select element is specified, this property will automatically be set to match the select element's 'disabled' property. disabled: false, // Specify if the listbox includes checkable options. // Checkable options support the values "false", "true", or "mixed" to represent the partially checked state. // When checkable is true, the multiple and sortable properties are automatically set to false to ensure intuitive accessibility. // Alternatively, the 'check' attribute may be set on individual option elements to set their default state when rendered. // The checked state will automatically be toggleable by pressing the Spacebar when applicable. checkable: false, // Specify if the listbox includes sortable options. // When sortable is true, the multiple and checkable properties are automatically set to false to ensure intuitive accessibility. // The grabbed state will automatically be toggleable by pressing the Spacebar when applicable. sortable: false, // Set the class to be applied when a listbox option is selected. // If undefined, "selected" will be set by default. toggleClassName: "selected", // Set screen reader accessible description text for key functionality within IE11. grabText: "Grabbable", grabbedText: "Grabbed", dropText: "Droppable", selectText: "Selected", unselectText: "Not Selected", // Set a custom event handler to process every time a listbox option is activated. onActivate: function(event, triggerNode, RTI, boundCheckbox, currentState, set) { // If the option node is checkable, currentState will include a number from 0 to 2. // (0 = "false", 1 = "true", 2 = "mixed".) // Otherwise, if multiselect is true instead, currentState will reflect the boolean value for the currently selected option. // The set function can be used to set a new state for the option. // E.G. set("false"), set("true"), or set("mixed") for checkable options. }, // Optionally extend the RTI instance with custom event handlers. // For available options, view the RovingTabIndex help doc at "Help/Module Imports/Actions/RovingTabIndex". extendRTI: { // Optional event handlers. } }

    Programmatic control

    Since the Listbox control is an instantiated object, all of the following public properties and methods are available.


    var listboxElement = myListbox.listbox; // The Listbox DOM node for the element with role="listbox"
    var optionElementsArray = myListbox.options; // The array of list option DOM nodes that contain role="option"
    var optionNodesArray = myListbox.optionNodes; // The array of native select option DOM nodes


    // Force the listbox widget to redraw itself and recompute all child options and reset all event handlers.
    // Only applicable when a native select element is bound to the listbox.
    // This is necessary when new options are added, removed, or reordered within the bound select element to ensure proper keyboard accessibility.
    // Returns an array of currently checked or selected listbox option nodes.
    // If any option elements are checked, all those set to "true" will be returned.
    // Otherwise, if there is a bound select element, the value of the select element will be returned.
    // Otherwise, all selected option elements will be returned.
    var listboxValue = myListbox.value();